Erköse Ensemble
Sweden & Denmark Tour / April 2003
Erköse - clarinet
Tuncay Küçükel - violin
Tuncay Erköse - violoncello
Saban Erköse - darbuka
Barbaros Erköse - kanun
April 02 Malmö, Sweden
April 03 Aalborg, Denmark
April 04 Copenhagen, Denmark
April 05 Lund, Sweden
April 06 Helsingborg, Sweden
April 09 Norrköping, Sweden
April 10 Gävle, Sweden
April 11 Västerås, Sweden
April 12 Grebbestad, Sweden
April 13 Stockholm, Sweden
April 14 Oxelösund, Sweden
Presented by Swedish
Concert Institute
Barbaros Erköse Ensemble

The nature of the Gypsy is to travel and Gypsy
(or Rom) music, with it’s diverse range of influences, reflects
these journeys through the cultures of many nations. As our world
shrinks, our music and we become increasingly touched and influenced
through our travels through the rhythms and melodies of the world.
Our ears become open to new sounds as jazz, reggae, world beat,
hip-hop and all the many, many old and new musics of the world intermingle.
The most open and innovative musicians create new languages out
of traditional forms of expression. New vernaculars mingle with
ancient idioms crossing cultural boundaries while retaining their
original passion and flavor to create some of the most interesting
and vibrant music of our times.
Turkish born clarinet virtuoso Barbaros Erköse
is among the many skilled performers who are collaborating with
other musicians from all over the world to explore new ways to nurture
the growth of a world music rooted in many soils. Not content to
rest upon his laurels as a respected classical Turkish and Rom musician,
Erköse seeks out projects that dissolve the boundaries of nations
and genres. His collaboration with New York born and bred jazz trombonist
Craig Harris, Istanbul/Craig Harris & The Nation of Imagination
featuring Barbaros Erköse (Pozitif Imaj 1998), is his latest
journey into a land inhabited by jazz, hip hop, reggae, African
and Turkish music (among others).
Erköse, aware of the power of the past, has
not abandoned his roots or his love of Gypsy music in his quest
for new idioms. He still performs the traditional Turkish folk music
(Gypsy or Rom music) that first made him famous. With the Barbaros
Erköse Ensemble he has brought the passionate sounds of Gypsy
music beyond the borders of Turkey to Europe and North America.
Live, whether sharing the stage with American jazz
or traditional Turkish musicians, Erköse embraces and incites
the audience with the vitality and passion of Turkish and Gypsy
music. He balances out the great celebratory joy of Gypsy music
with the melancholy of jazz, euphoria with a touch of the blues.
While his passion makes his performances more than energetic enough
to keep hips swaying in bacchanalian celebration, his finesse and
subtlety makes him capable of holding a concert hall enthralled.
Though his roots are Turkish and Rom, Erköse is a citizen of
the world and his music speaks a language that captivates people
of all cultures. |